So, it sounds like the Fighter class will get some love in this series, if it makes funding, that is. And they've talked about a 5th games where everything comes together with all the previous characters. In Hero-U, their plan is for the 1st game to have a male Rogue, the 2nd a female wizard, the 3rd a female fighter and the 4th a male Paladin. So, maybe that was a Sierra management thing in the original games, or equally possible that the Coles just decided to make the Paladin the "new" Fighter, I guess.

Yeah, it does seem that way, but in the Coles' KickStarter for Hero-U the fighter will have her own game and the Paladin will, too. Anything else the Fighter does, the Paladin can do plus extra Paladin Quests.

The only things I can recall that are different but basically equal in a Fighter playthrough compared to the Paladin is the Spear of Death item in QFG3 and that's it. Any information you publish in a comment, profile, work, or Content that you post or import onto AO3 including in summaries, notes and tags, will be accessible. The Fighter is probably meant to be an introductory, simple character, unless you really don't care about being honorable and all that.